Mater et Filii, a name that translates to ‘mother and sons,’ embodies a captivating family story. In this tale, a son with 25 years of experience in the banking sector embarks on a transformative journey. His path brings him back to the family vineyard at the very moment his mother contemplates retirement.
Delicately showcasing the aromatic prowess of Pinot Noir, this cuvée captivates from the outset with its straw-coloured appearance and a near-velvety froth. The intricate and harmonious aroma brings forth impressions of red berries. When tasted, this champagne, marked by its assertive character, imparts a satisfying sense of pieceness.
The perfect companion for your social gatherings, this cuvée will also elegantly complement red meat, or a robust cheese during your meals.
Food Pairing:
Red Meat, Robust Cheese
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