Fourme d’Ambert

(2 customer reviews)

Weight: 350

Maturation: at least 28 days

Cheese Type: Uncooked, Unpressed blue cheese

Known since the Middle Age, the Fourme d’Ambert is one of the lightest blue veins cheese you can find in France. According to the legend, it is said the druids used this cheese to celebrate their cult on the top of the ‘Massif du Forez’, during the Galo-roman period. Later, it was used as a currency of exchange to rent the ‘Jasseries’, the little shack used as stable and also for living and making the cheese during summertime.

Produced in Auvergne with raw cow’s milk of one herd, our farmhouse Fourme d’Ambert is creamy with well-marked blue veins. It has delicate butter flavours and herbaceous notes.

Perfect when combined with jammed or fresh yellow fruits.

Wine Pairing:

Red wines (Bordeaux, Burgundies)
White wines (Sauternes, Sauvignon Blanc)
Sparkling wines (Champagne, Prosecco)

Appelation Origine Controlee (AOC) label
Appelation Origine Protegge (AOP) label

Shop Price


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2 reviews for Fourme d’Ambert

  1. Nicolas Guyon

    This cheese is okay. It lacks the depth and complexity I usually look for in a blue cheese. It’s good, but not great

  2. Paul Christensen (verified owner)

    Fourme d’Ambert seems to me to be a fairly consistent cheese from various suppliers. This is a perfectly good, but not particularly distinctive, example. It goes down well on the Cherries, Almonds and Linseeds Cheese Crackers.

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