– 150g of shredded Pitchfork Cheddar
– 1 green apple
– 300g of flour
– 2 tbs of sugar
– 150ml of heavy whipping cream
– 50g of butter
– 3 tbs baking powder
– Salt, Pepper, and fresh thyme to taste
• Pre-heat your oven at 200°C.
• In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, salt, pepper, thyme, and baking powder.
• Dice the room tempered butter and use your hands to blend it into the dry ingredients until getting a rough and chunky paste.
• Add the cheese, small apple slices, cream, and mix again.
• Use your hands to knead the dough and form into a ball.
• Cut the ball of dough in half and form 2 disks. Use your hands to flatten out the disks until they are about 3 inches thick. Then cut three triangles out of each half. Repeat with remaining dough.
• Bake for 25 to 30 minutes on parchment paper until scones are lightly golden.
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